Wednesday, September 28, 2016

DIY Mini-Book Charm Tutorial

I've finally (FINALLY!!!) written a comprehensive list of detailed instructions for making these amazing mini-book charms in 7 easy steps. I've photographed every stage of the process, and I've documented all the tips and tricks I've learned (I hope) over the years. YOU CAN MAKE THESE CHARMS FOR YOURSELF!

Why have I stopped making them? Because I've been doing a lot of cover art and interior book design (graphics and formatting) for authors and publishers, as well as random business graphic design. I still make the charms once in a while for past clients who want to continue their collections (or who aren't in a major rush), but the bottom line is, there are too few hours in the day to do everything I want to do in a timely, high-quality manner. (Personal flaw: I have a hard time cutting corners for the sake of speed. :-)

So check it out!! Skim the 30+ photographs and if you're serious about making your own mini-book charms for swag, gifts, or personal keepsakes, take the time to read the directions--you'll save yourself a lot of trial & error if you do.

And just so you know, making these charms IS a time-consuming process that DOES require some effort. But let me say on behalf of myself, past clients, and from the many authors who've received miniature charms of their personal books from spouses or friends, IT IS WORTH IT!!!

Be proud of your writing accomplishments and 
make a charm for every book you've written!! 
(I'm serious!)

(and feel free to share the love!) 

Cheers and good luck,
Toni Kerr